1.Increased efficiency:

The robot waiter is capable of performing tasks quickly and efficiently. It can take orders, deliver food, and provide table service without the need for waiting or errors. This helps reduce customer wait times and improves overall restaurant productivity.

2.Technical flexibility:

The robot waiter can operate with high precision and minimal errors. Additionally, it is equipped with specialized mapping sensors and systems that allow it to navigate the space safely, avoiding collisions with tables, chairs, and restaurant patrons.

3.Cost reduction:

Implementing a robot waiter can lead to reduced staffing costs. Restaurants and cafes can reduce the number of human waiters, saving on salaries and other associated expenses. This is particularly beneficial in high minimum wage areas or during periods when finding a sufficient number of qualified waitstaff becomes challenging.

4.Attention-grabbing and marketing impact:

The presence of a robot waiter can attract attention and generate interest among customers. This can lead to increased popularity of the restaurant or cafe and help attract new clientele. The robot waiter can become not only a functional element but also part of a unique and memorable experience for visitors.

5.Interaction with staff:

Implementing a robot waiter does not necessarily mean replacing human staff. In fact, a robot waiter can free up time and enhance staff interaction with guests. Employees can focus on more complex tasks such as menu consultation, providing recommendations, or addressing specific guest requests, creating a deeper and more personalized service experience.

 6. The main characteristics of the robot

  • 100% autonomy, uses Lidar and distance sensors. Implemented the ability to use several robots inside the same restaurant, synchronized with each other – to avoid collisions.
  • Runs up to 12 hours on a 4 hour charge.
  • It is possible to install an additional battery.
  • It has built-in speakers 2 * 2 watts – for playing sound audio files.
  • Built-in computer with touch screen allows you to install your own additional software.
  • Basic weight 35 kg. Payload weight up to 20 kg.
  • Size of installed trays: Length – 42cm Width – 30cm
  • Robot size: Height overall 50 inches (126.5 cm) Diameter – 20.31 inches (51.6 cm)
  • Charger type: Mains charger, input – 110-220 volts / output 24 volts 8.0 amps.
  • Main controller: Raspberry pi4 + 7 inch touch screen.
  • Additional modifications of the robot on an individual order are possible.